Medycyna Doświadczalna i Mikrobiologia 2014, 66(2): 65-78

Występowanie i charakterystyka jednofazowych pałeczek Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica o wzorze antygenowym 1,4,[5],12:i:- izolowanych w Polsce w latach 2007-2012
[Occurrence and characterization of monophasic Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica with antigenic formula 1,4, [5], 12: i: - isolated in Poland in 2007-2012]

G.Madajczak, T. Wołkowicz, B. Dera-Tomaszewska, M. Wasiak, A. Chróst, J. Szych


Pałeczki Salmonella nadal stanowią tak w naszym kraju, jak i w innych krajach Unii Europejskiej istotny etiologiczny czynnik bakteryjnych zakażeń przewodu pokarmowego u ludzi. Od końca lat 90-tych obserwuje się coraz częstsze występowanie jednofazowych pałeczek Salmonella o wzorze antygenowym 1,4,[5],12:i:-, charakteryzujących się opornością na antybiotyki o wzorze ASSuT. W wielu krajach europejskich drobnoustroje te stały się jednym z najczęściej izolowanych typów serologicznych. Celem badań była charakterystyka szczepów pałeczek Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica o wzorze antygenowym 1,4,[5],12:i:-, izolowanych w Polsce. Wśród 110 zbadanych szczepów najczęściej obserwowano pałeczki Salmonella o fagotypie DT193 lub RDNC/DT193, charakteryzujące się wzorem oporności na antybiotyki ASSuT. Szczepy te były zróżnicowane pod względem profilu PFGE.


Introduction: Salmonella is significant etiological agent of bacterial intestinal infections in Poland and other European Union countries. Since the 90’s increasing incidence of monophasic
Salmonella antigenic formula 1,4,[5],12:i: - has been observed, which are divided into two lineages: Spanish and European. More common European lineage are characterized by antimicrobial resistance ASSuT and DT193 phagetype. In many European countries, these organisms have become one of the most commonly isolated serovars. The aim of this study was to analyze strains of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica strains with antigenic formula 1,4,[5],12: i:-, isolated in Poland in 2007-2012 years.Material and Methods: The material for the study was 146 Salmonella strains initially identified as Salmonella antigenic formula 1,4,[5],12:i,-, isolated in 2007-2012 from clinical, food and animal samples. All strains has been reidentified according to the methodology routinely used in the laboratory. Serovar has been identified using classical method – slide agglutination for somatic and flagellar antigens and using Check&Trace Salmonella microarray. The fljB gene, fliB-fliA intergenic region, selected Salmonella Pathogenicity Islands’ (SPIs) genes and spvC has been detected using PCR. For all strains PFGE typing with HindIII enzyme has been performed and phagetyping also. Moreover antimicrobial resistance has been evaluated by establishing of MIC according EUCAST recommendation.Results: 110 (75%) strains were S. enterica 1,4,[5],12:i,-. In this group for 17 strains in Check&Trace Salmonella microarray result of identification “Salmonella Typhimurium” have been obtained. All 110 strains have 1000 bp size DNA fragment with IS200 sequence, characteristic for S. Typhimurium. Only in case of 4 strains fljB gene has been detected. All strains harbor avrA, ssaQ, mgtC and siiD genes. For 6 strains spvC gene has been not detected. 92 strains (83,6 %) have been typed as DT193, but in case of 40 strains additional reaction with phage no 18 has been observed. For 104 (94,5%) strains resistance for at least one antimicrobial have been detected. Most frequent (44 strains – 40%) resistance pattern was ASSuT. Among all strains 11 pulsotypes, which group two or more strains have been recognized, which contain 37 strains. The rest of strains have unique REA-PFGE patterns.Conclusions: To this time epidemiological situation of S. enterisa 1,4,[5],12:i:- isolated from human cases in Poland has been not recognized. Results of current studies show, that studied strains belong to european non-spanish lineage of monophasic S. Typhimurium and problem of infection caused by those strains is unrecognized and probably increase.

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